Candy Kevin Brooks Books

Candy Kevin Brooks Books
This was one of those books I had to force myself to finish. I am a recovering addict and I like reading stories about others who suffer, fiction or otherwise. But this book was just frustrating. It felt like it took so long to get to any sort of climax and then that was disappointing. I kept asking myself "and why do I care?" about any character development, story line, or plot building. In other words, this book did not get me emotionally involved in any way, nor at any point. Candy just simply was not my cup of tea. I would not recommend paying to read this book. Borrow a hard copy from a friend or the library, if at all.
Tags : Candy (9780439683289): Kevin Brooks: Books,Kevin Brooks,Candy,Push,0439683289,Romance - General,Social Themes - Drugs, Alcohol, Substance Abuse,Drug abuse;Fiction.,Teenagers;Fiction.,Children's Books - Young Adult Fiction,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Juvenile Fiction Social Issues Drugs, Alcohol, Substance Abuse,Social Issues - General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Young Adult Fiction Romance General,Young Adult Fiction Social Themes Drugs, Alcohol, Substance Abuse
Candy Kevin Brooks Books Reviews
"Candy", a novel by Kevin Brooks, is quite simply one of the best YA novels I've read in the past few years. The book's subject matter is not exactly joyful; prostitution and drug use and abuse are parts of the plot, but looking past that, the story really is captivating.
It starts with the story's protagonist, Joe, getting lost in an underclass neighborhood. He hears a girl shout out at him. He's amazed by her looks, and finds himself fascinated by her. His fascination turns into an attraction, and then his attraction turns into an obsession for this girl named Candy. But, he soon realizes that his love for her can become dangerous. Her world is the complete opposite of his. Turns out, Candy is a prostitute, working for a pimp named Iggy. She works for him to support her Heroin addiction. But Joe still wants to be involved with Candy.
But as Joe gets deeper into Candy's world, the road turns dark. His world is turned upside down, and he's forced to make the decision of his life.
The characters were pretty well developed in the story. I found myself liking both Joe and Candy rather quickly, and I believe that Kevin Brooks did a great job at bringing Joe and Candy to life, as well as Mike and Gina, who are Joe's sister and boyfriend. The books portrays drug addiction rather realistically, for there are scenes were Candy goes through withdrawals from not using heroin and Brooks doesn't hold back describing what it's like. So I recommend this book to anyone looking to read a good story. The most important thing of all is that it keeps you reading. Pick this book up today.
Though I wont bore you with the details, this book really hit home for me. I too was once a young man who had a captivation for a woman and tried my best to get her off of drugs. Though it wasnt very much like the book it reminds me of that time in my life,so I can empathize with the character Joe.
But beyond that this is just a really captivating book that is very well written and suspensful. almost from the beginning you'll find yourself rooting for the main character to get the girl and be the hero, but what makes this the book that it is, is the fact that the book doesnt end all sunshine and rainbows. It ends ambivilant the same as most child hood experinces where nothing works out how you want it,but its the journey that matters and make you the person you become in life.
At its core this is a dark tale of love,drugs,prostitution and growing up the hard way, but its redemption is in the characters and their arcs and the decisions they make and it makes this a must read book
Arrived promptly and as described, thanks again!
I read this book in high school and knew id like it from chapter one. Its totally worth reading and will keep you interested.
Good easy read. Kept me interested and turning the pages. Book about survival and reminds you how fragile a child can be. Bullies can make a significant change in a persons life. Manipulation can create safety in a persons mind. But there is hope.
Good book to follow, an easy read.
Interesting story lind , found it hard to put down. . . .
Can you even fabricate meeting someone that you can't stand being without, but the only problem is they are not who you think they are? People in our nature act upon things without thinking them through, it's just how humans are. In this enthralling novel the main character, Joe Beck, is lost in the subway station. As he wanders around aimlessly trying to find the way he stumbles upon the girl of his dreams, or so he thinks. As soon to find out in this story the only thing Candy is, is a nuisance. Kevin Brooks does wonderfully as he displays his passion for writing in this distinguished fable known none other than Candy. As the book hooks you in with its opening lines you just feel that you are obligated to keep reading like you are under a spell. Yes maybe a little bit corny but very effective knowledge by the author. Kevin Brooks' other novels are all based on the lives of teenagers which then leads you to believe something had happened to him in that time period but that's just a conjecture. Brooks had always known that he wanted to be an author just not right away. After many times of being turned down by many publishers he had decided to expand his boundaries and focus in on the teenage aspect of reading/writing. He had thought that teenagers would be easier to appeal to, and in fact they were and he soon became a genuine author writing many books along the way. Candy was special to me because it's not a book about your average teenager it's an outstanding offprint that inspires my outlook on the cliché don't judge a book by it's cover. Exp. Candy was a beautiful, gorgeous, erotic adolescent individual that stood out from the crowd, but not in a pleasant way. Although I would yearn to describe to you this marvelous tale it is physically not probable to do so. So all I recommend is to open your heart to my opinion if you'd like, and catch yourself transfixing your eyes onto the pages of this divine story. "It's always hard to lose somebody, it leaves a hole in your heart that will never grow back." Available at Barnes and Noble(tm)
This was one of those books I had to force myself to finish. I am a recovering addict and I like reading stories about others who suffer, fiction or otherwise. But this book was just frustrating. It felt like it took so long to get to any sort of climax and then that was disappointing. I kept asking myself "and why do I care?" about any character development, story line, or plot building. In other words, this book did not get me emotionally involved in any way, nor at any point. Candy just simply was not my cup of tea. I would not recommend paying to read this book. Borrow a hard copy from a friend or the library, if at all.

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